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Hello Lightbringer, are you already living in ease? Are you already living in true love, divine love that brings bliss?

Do you sometimes feel lost and wonder what happens next?
Are you asking yourself am I on the right path?
What does my heart really want?

Do you sometimes think to yourself: I can't do anything with myself and with the world. I feel far away from everything.

Do you know these thoughts and feelings?

And above all: Are you ready for something else?
To let go of everything that causes you fear and worry and anxiety, to give it up to something much grander, greater than your ego-mind, namely your higher, greater, divine SELF? 🤩

What if you could participate in a fantastic program to WAKE UP from the dream of suffering, pain, stress and

• that helps you to constantly reconnect with your DIVINE SELF and with your heart.
Connected to your truth and love to live the lightness and bliss that is your right to live!

• that brings you long-awaited relaxation and true de-stressing, not from an imagination, but from your deep inner source - that brings stillness and relaxation, even in your head!

• to transform feelings and states such as being lost, disoriented and unwanted in your heart and to recognize what may really be seen in you?

• that invites you and always picks you up to walk for you in your divine alignment. To practice and stay with it and above all to let God take the lead, to enjoy and receive unconditional love?

To enjoy and receive unconditional love?

This group is for YOU.

Are you ready to experience the joy and peace and love of God together?

Join the Awaken in your heart Group! :)

Hello, my name is Katherine!

For over 20 years I have worked with people from all over the world, inviting them to discover their abilities and choose more possibilities and miracles for their lives.
We are living in times of great change where we can be more awake and present with our lives.
You may be struggling with your body, money, relationships, stress, feeling lost. Whatever it may be, did you know that the solution can be FUN?
And the best part is - you don't have to do it alone! I created this membership program as an easily accessible and affordable creative space for you to gain more and more of your consciousness!
It's easy to get distracted.
In the "Awaken Group"
you will receive the best support and new resources each week to help you stay on your inner path and improve your life on all levels.
It's a worldwide creative community of people dedicated to more ease, joy and miracles every day!

Some of the amazing gifts that are waiting for you:


Weekly Zoom meetings

Open up to the universe of possibilities in your life! We meet every week on Monday, online, for a guided session of Katherine's very deep, high vibrational energy downloads and meditations. You will also receive the recordings so you can listen to them again throughout the week.


Daily, daily-exercises

They support you to find your way home to deep peace and your divinity again and again.
Every day you will receive daily exercises from Katherine, written or spoken, which will help you to focus on dwelling in your heart in everyday life.
These exercises will give you new perspectives and possibilities.


Monthly frames

Power up your heart!
Once a month there is a current topic that is currently occupying all our lives.
You can listen to the recording at any time.



Exclusive Surprises

Katherine teaches many groundbreaking transformational courses - online and in person, around the world.
As a member of the 'Awaken' family, you will receive exclusive snippets from the current workshops and occasional updates from Katherine's awareness to enhance your life and keep you up to date with the current energies!

Special Welcome Pack

From the moment you embark on this journey with us, we will always have your back ;)


Accountability Buddy

Once you join the Awaken in Your Heart Membership Program, you will be assigned a buddy from the group.

You will check in with your buddy twice (and more) a week to support each other on this journey.


Access to the Private Community

As a member of the Awaken in Your Heart group, you automatically become part of our exclusive online community!
Chat, ask questions, make new friends, create with each other, contribute, share, play, cry and laugh....

...and so much more!


Ready for a new chapter in your life?

Once you make this first step, it's easy!
You'll be a part of a close-knit community, where everyone is a contribution to you and where together you can grow, create and live the life you came here for!

Yes, I'm in!

For me it created so much peace, because in the weeks before I could barely get any sleep. I'm very grateful for the tools and possibilities it showed me. Your voice was always a powerful reminder, no matter what big distraction I was facing. You were a trusted guide.


Awaken in your heart Group is an incredibly empowering environment for me and a real gift. I can see how much stronger I am in connecting with myself, in my energetic abilities, in my alertness, in my awareness. It is incredible what a contribution this community is, and how much power we also have as a group to be a contribution to each one of us. What else is possible now? I am very grateful for the Awaken in your heart.



One evening, I had a project to finish. It was already pretty late at night and I had no motivation. I listened to a meditation to get more aligned with myself.
Then I started working. My head ran wild with thoughts and catastrophe scenarios of missing my deadline. Though I didn't pay attention, because now I was connected to a much greater space in me.

All of a sudden, my creativity started to flow and I had so much fun and playfulness, finished my project with ease! Thank you!


Due to my job, I go to sleep at varying times and often can't really relax. Thanks to the meditations, I could finally enjoy a good, restful sleep.

A friend visited me one night as he was on the way to meet his buddies and drink. He sat next to me while I was listening to the meditation.

He fell asleep and was resting for 3 hours. When he woke up, he drank huge amounts of water and had no urge to go out and get drunk.
He was like a different person. I've never seen him that way, he completely transformed.


Let the miracles flow!

It's so much easier to stay with you and live your magnificence when you're surrounded by magical and contributing people, like the "Awaken in Your Heart" group.

I'm ready!

Frequently Asked Questions: