"Healing begins in your head - we have the solution"



[In the worst case you will receive the most relaxing massage ever, in the best case your whole life will change]

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What are the Bars?


The Bars are 32 points on the head, which lightly held with fingertips and hands resolve the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts and belief systems (which can also lead to desease). So one mostly feels very refreshed, free and full of joy after a Session!

And what else is possible?

"2 Things will change everything in your Life:


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"A Bars Class is in the worst case a very comfotable massage. In the best case your whole life changes. RƩsumƩ: After just one hour I knew, today is the first day of my new life. And I want to thank Katherine with my whole heart that she showed me this way. And for you I have this one message: If you desire more Joy, more Lightness and Abundance in your Life, then go for it and find out how much more there is available for you."

Theresa T.

50% Complete

Two Step

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