Energy Pulling

30 Days/30 Tage

Go for it!

"Yesterday I thought about how energy pulling changed my life. (...) I am waking up more gratefully, starting every task with excitment and curiosity and so even the ones I don't like are done easier. Anger of other people isn't changing my mood and I'm quite feeling more selfconfident. I feel more grounded, connected to the earth and more aware of my surrounding, which also overcharges me a little bit receiving that much different energy. Joining this group was one of the best decisions, so how can it get even better? How can I receive even more miracles?✨✨"

Alexandra D.

"The energy pull class has truly been life changing... I'm noticing a huge shift in being more aware (...) The energy pull that was about getting to what we truly wanted to create in our lives opened my eyes to finding a clear why for my business and one that was coming from the heart. Also noticing that I am far more excited to get out of bed and start my day! And learning to turn the heavy energy into passion has been really fun to play with... And what else is possible? Thank you, Katherine Bihlmeier!"

Aimee H.
Go for it!

What would it be like if your every day was filled with magic moments, luck, synchronicities? If your glow would attract exactly the most contributing events and people to your life? If your every single action would unfold into magic and bliss, beyond your wildest imagination?


 This "30-day Energy Pulling" program guides you to open up to new spaces in you and to expand your energetic capacities.



In most of the recordings, Katherine speaks both English and German. Only one pull is almost fully in German - but even if you don't understand all the words, the energy speaks for itself. ;)


Wie wäre es, wenn jeder Deiner Tage voll von magischen Momenten, Wundern und Synchronizitäten wäre? Wenn genau die beitragendsten Menschen und Geschehen von deinem Strahlen angezogen in Dein Leben kommen würden? Wenn jeder Deiner Schritte sich in Magie und Glückseligkeit entfalten würde, über alle Deine Vorstellungen hinaus?

Dieses "30 Tage Energy Pulling" Programm lädt Dich ein, diese neuen Räume in Dir zu eröffnen und Deine energetischen Fähigkeiten zu expandieren.


Katherine spricht in fast allen Aufnahmen sowohl Deutsch als auch Englisch. Nur der erste Pull ist fast ausschließlich auf Englisch - selbst wenn Du nicht alle Wörter verstehst, die Energie spricht für sich selbst. ;)

Is it time for more magic in your world?


Ist es Zeit für mehr Magie in Deinem Leben?

Full 30-day Program / Das gesamte 30-Tage Programm




You are curious about energy pulling, and would first like to try out one pull?
You can choose a single energy pull from the program as well:

Du bist neugierig auf das Energy Pulling, und möchtest zuerst einen Pull ausprobieren?
Du kannst auch einzelne Energy Pulls für Dich wählen:

1. Paradise Space
2. Grace and Baby Space
3. Your Truth
4. Gratitude
5. Receiving
6. Your Beingness
7. Femininity
8. Vulcanic Energy
9. Invite Your Magic
10. Fire
11. Being You
12. Unconditionally Loved
13. Infinite Being
14. Energy Balloon
15. Create Your Life
16. Toning
17. Power
18. What are you living for?
19. Heal Your Inner Child
20. Allowance
21. Pulling Energy in Daily Life
22. Keep on going!
23. Pelvis Power
24. Your Uniqueness
25. Verletzlichkeit
26. Future Energies
27. Interconnectedness
28. Consciousness
29. Magic Beyond This Reality
30. Tree Presence



"It was such a big difference between yesterday and today! It was lighter in my body, i was motivated and willing to create, kind to my body and i think i was also a contribution to others! and i am so excited to receive my miracles ❀ thank you!"

Michaela K.

"Wow so much happening since being in the energy pulls.. feel like this is one of my best investments ever :D listening to it over and over and over and having uneasy situations in my life right now unfolding into.. magic :D and what i truly heartfully desire :D ❀ love it! Also received a lot unexpected money :D yey how does it get any better? What else is possible today? What else can I receive that I never imagined possible and beyond this reality :D?"

Marie G.

Is now the time for you to live your miracles, too?

Ist es jetzt die Zeit endlich Deine Wunder zu leben?


50% Complete

Two Step

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